What to Expect from an Allergy Test

Even people with mild allergies can benefit from allergy treatment. Allergies can often mimic symptoms of a cold, so eradicating minor allergic reactions can help you feel better. Before you can adequately treat your allergies, you must identify your triggers. Self-diagnosis is often inaccurate because it's easy to come to incorrect conclusions about your allergy triggers. An ENT specialist can help by providing allergy testing. Here are four things patients can expect from a standard allergy test:

1. You will be exposed to common allergens.

Skin tests are also known as scratch tests. This test is the most common type of allergy test, which can check your reactivity to several common allergens at once. During a scratch test, an ENT specialist will draw a grid on your arm or back. In each grid space, a single allergen will be introduced into your skin through a scratch with an allergen-coated needle. This meticulous testing method will allow your doctor to narrow down the cause of your allergy symptoms.

2. You may feel some discomfort.

Your scratch test will take around 30 minutes from start to finish. After your ENT specialist introduces allergens into your skin, they will need to document the reaction. It can take up to fifteen minutes for your skin to develop an allergic reaction. During this time, you will wait in the doctor's office. You may feel some itching or discomfort during this time. However, you'll be able to take an antihistamine for relief as soon as your results are read.

3. They'll monitor you for signs of a severe allergic reaction.

Scratch tests are very safe. The allergic reaction that results from a scratch test is usually localized to the area. However, in rare cases, a severe allergic reaction can occur. Anaphylaxis is the most dangerous type of allergic reaction. During anaphylaxis, a person's throat swells shut so they cannot breathe properly. This type of allergic reaction must be treated immediately with an epinephrine shot. Your ENT specialist will monitor you for signs of a life-threatening reaction so they can provide emergency treatment, if necessary.

4. They'll brief you on the results.

Once your doctor has the results of your allergy test, they will sit down with you to discuss them. You will learn what you're allergic to so you can avoid those substances in the future. Once you're aware of all your allergies, you and your doctor can work on an allergy management plan together.

To take an allergy test, contact services like Mid America Ear, Nose, & Throat Clinic PC.
